ICP Peristaltic Pump Tubing
You can count on SCP SCIENCE for top-quality peristaltic pump tubing. Whether it is PVC, SolventFlex, Silicone, Viton® or Santoprene® SCP SCIENCE manufactures1 the proper configurations and diameters to fit all major ICP-AES and ICP-MS instrumentation in use today.
Tested for physical and chemical properties to meet laboratory standards.
Quality controlled with strict dimensional tolerances.
Consistent flow rate from tube to tube.
Tested for ultralow leachable metal content.
Reduce risk of sample contamination.
Packages in a reseal able bag.
Remove tubing easily through the large mouth-opening.
Note: 1 PVC, SolventFlex and Santoprene® peristaltic pump tubing is a product manufactured by SCP SCIENCE and are available with special benefits. For example, new packaging offers 25% more pump tubing (3 extra pump tubings) per package while at the same price of our current model. Additional pump tubing is available on request.
Pump Tubing Flyer Click here
View our Chemical Resistance Chart
The Color Code Chart will help you choose the appropriate Catalog Number. *Some exceptions may apply*
Contact your Sales Representative or local distributor to inquire about the right pump tubing.
What is Flared Pump Tubing?
With traditional tubing, it can be difficult to insert the sample tube into the pump tube - especially when working with different inner diameters (IDs). With this new product the tubing is flared at the end, letting you use the ID you require while providing an opening wide enough to easily insert a larger - diameter sample tube.