ICP Standard, Si, 1000 ug/ml

Item: 140-050-141
Unit of measure: 125ml
Additional Information:

PlasmaCAL single element calibration standard for ICP-AES and ICP-MS instruments. Complete with a detailed certificate of analysis. Offers two expiry dates for unopened (up to 21 months) and opened (15 months) bottles. Guaranteed to +/- 0.5% of actual concentration. Direct traceability to NIST standard.

This product also serves as EPA 200.7 Mixed Calibration Standard 4, Solution C - Dilution: 1 to 100

EPA 200.7 Mixed Calibration Standard 4 SET (Solutions A, B and C at 125ml)
- 140-120-041

Elements & Concentration

Si @1000 μg/ml

Matrix: H2O/tr.F-

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